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Wainwright’s Golden Ale 30ltr Keg

Indulge in the exceptional craftsmanship of Wainwright Gold, a distinctive brew meticulously created with a unique blend of hops and the finest malt. Inspired by the legendary Lakeland fell-walker Alfred Wainwright, our master brewers demonstrate the same dedication by scouring the country for quality English malt and hops. The result is a delightfully refreshing Golden Ale with a 4.1% ABV. Lightly hopped to perfection, it offers subtle sweetness, a delicate citrus aroma, and a captivatingly golden hue.


Enjoty the refreshing, fruity, sweet, and citric taste that defines Wainwright Gold. Crafted with Magnum, Tradition, and Hersbrucker hops, this brew emanates enticing fruit and citrus notes. Perfectly paired with smoked salmon adorned with lemon wedges, soft cheese, or lightly spiced dishes, Wainwright Gold caters to a variety of palates.


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